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Property Management

The Best Age to Buy a House

The United States’ Census Bureau published a report on homeownership in 2017 that presented the different average ages of homeowners, stating that 58.9% of homeowners were between 35 to 44

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real estate
Property Management

Should You Sell Your House?

There are a number of factors that can guide your decision about whether or not you should sell your house. As it can be an overwhelming experience, it’s best not

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real estate
Property Management

To Buy or Not to Buy?

Buying a house is probably going to be the single most important financial decision you’ll make in your life. It requires extensive research, market surveys, and careful evaluations of the

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real estate
Property Listing

Maintaining Property Value

Maintenance and repairs don’t usually rank high in homeowners’ list of priorities. They’re expensive, time-consuming, and are easy to put off until any visible signs of degradation emerge. However, your

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